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Peak Mountain 3

Past Dead Ending's.

FA Bradley White, 1983
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


[NOTE: While the "slabby" bottom part of this route seems the same as "Rookie Ridge", it seems as if "Dead Endings" climbs the gully ("waterfall") left of Rookie's butress. R Hall NH Admin. from an e-mail from Bradley]...Bradley posted:

I went as far up right of the slab cascade mountainside as possible. Entered slab and climbed it to the talus field that was reasonably short. Talus gully comes to a high, 30ft crux, amphitheater with head wall and nearly vertical waterfall of the gully of the central collier? An impasse apparently I was at or a dead end. I had to work out the sequence coming up and stay as dry as possible, surrounded by wetness at hand. I went through the vortex fascinated by the moves up big stones and good hand cracks later on after the crux. That made the climbing safer but not significantly different, for a while it remained as intense as being in the crux's posture. Relieved done with it's difficulties after thirty feet and soaking wet. It might be fun with a rope and the right equipment. Definitely alpine.


On the Main slab of Mt Webster, high up the base edge right side; start the climb. (From the top)..I hiked left to the Crawford House and walked east down 302 to the car 3+ miles.



1000 km
1000 mi