HomeUSANew YorkPowerlinez Books Tier5.2 Top ShelfMadness in Any Direction5.6Too Rare to Die5.7+5.5trFA TR Ken Roberts + BrandonCREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in 5.2 Top Shelf1Left Bracket4thTrad2Cartwheel through a Mosque5.5Tr3Opened my Mouth, Almost5.8-Tr4Maybe it Meant something5.10cTr5Väinämöinen5.11bTr6the Sampo5.10cTr7Cross Bronx wrong exit5.9Tr8Masters of the Universe5.8+Tr9Lemon Tart5.11aTr10Further Bus5.9+Tr11Not Eternal5.10Tr12Allowed she would Sivilize me5.7+Tr13Warn’t no home like a Raft5.6Trad · Tr14All Right then, I’ll go to Hell5.7Tr15Madness in Any Direction5.6Tr16Too Weird to Live, and5.5Tr 17Too Rare to Die5.7+Tr