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Peak Mountain 3

Hand, The



The fact that this sub-area doesn't exist on MP until now (2019) is probably testament to the nature of the area - quiet, solitary, and not frequented except by a handful of folks who'd surely prefer to maintain that feel. With that in mind, please tread lightly, respect other users and those who came before you.

The Hand is the prominent and imposing feature on the left (during approach, aka East) side of Hand's Canyon, and features several worthy lines with storied histories established in the finest manner. It's almost hard to believe, but probably every crack system and notable feature in this area has been climbed. Enjoy the adventure!

Summiting earns spectacular views of upper Hands Canyon, along with several other major stronghold summits, including Whale Dome, Westworld, Squaretop, and even the Rockfellow group, among many many more.

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